How To Cancel Your Subscription In Easy.Jobs?

If you wish to cancel your Easy.Jobs subscription for any reason, you can do so from your dashboard. Check out these guidelines below to learn how to cancel your subscription in Easy.Jobs.

Step 1: Configure Subscriptions In Easy.Jobs #

Log in to your Easy.Jobs account and navigate to ‘My Account’ from Easy.Jobs dashboard., cancel subscription

It will take you to this page from where you need to click on the ‘Subscription’ button from the left side menu bar. After that, you will see the Cancel Subscription’ button at the right top corner of the page., cancel subscription

Step 3: Confirm To Save Your Changes #

Click on the ‘Cancel Subscription’ button to cancel your Easy.Jobs subscription package. A confirmation popup will appear on the screen. Click ‘Yes’ to confirm your changes., cancel subscription

If you have followed all the steps, congratulations! You have successfully canceled your subscription in Easy.Jobs.

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