easy.jobs comes with all the features that you need to streamline your hiring process. From now, you can add external collaborator for any specific job and make your hiring process easier than ever.
How To Add External Collaborator In easy.jobs? #
Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to easily add external collaborators to manage specific job posts and candidates for that job with easy.jobs.
Step 1: Navigate To Published Jobs #
First, from your easy.jobs dashboard, go to the ‘Jobs’ tab. Now, find the job post where you want to collaborate with an external member or team. Click on the ‘Collaborator’ button on the job post as shown below.
Step 2: Add External Recruiters To Your Team #
Now, from the top left corner, click on the ‘Add New Collaborator’ button. Input the email of the person or team you want to get help with the recruitment process.
Now, select the permission that you want to give to the external recruiters. By default, a collaborator can view the job post and the candidates who have applied for the job once you send the invitation.
You can also choose, whether you want to give the external recruiter additional permissions like, Manage Jobs, Publish Jobs, View Candidates, Delete/Remove Candidates, and Organize Candidates permission from there. Once you have updated the permission, click on the ‘Save And Continue’ button.

Step 3: Manage & Update Your External Collaborator #
After sending the invitation to the email address of your external recruiter you will be redirected to the ‘Manage Collaborators’ page. You can now update the permissions of the recruiter again by the blue edit icon on the left side of the page. Once you have updated the permissions as you wish, click on the ‘Save And Continue’ button again.
If needed you can also re-invite your collaborators by clicking the ‘Re-invite’ button. Also, if you don’t want to collaborate anymore with the external recruiter, delete the collaborator by clicking on the red bin icon.
How To Collaborate As External Team Member? #
Follow this guideline to join and collaborate in easy.jobs as an external collaborator or team member without any hassle.
Step 1: Accept Email Invitation #
After the email invitation is sent to you to manage a job post as an external collaborator, a link will be sent to your mailbox. Click on the ‘Join Now’ button and log in to your easy.jobs account.
Note: If you don’t have an easy.jobs account you have to create it first by inputting your details before collaborating on the job post.
Step 2: Go To The Specific Job Post #
Once you have logged into the easy.jobs dashboard, you will find the job tab where you are assigned to manage specific jobs. Now, you can manage the candidates and help the core team with the recruitment process.
Here’s how easily you can add and collaborate with external team members in easy.jobs. If you need any help, feel free to contact us or join our friendly Facebook community.