Job Postings: How To Promote Job Posts To Attract Candidates

It is hard to attract candidates for your company without interactive job postings and proper promotion for your job posts. And find candidates who have both the right skills and the right mindset to be a part of your team can be challenging. To help you out, today we’re going to give you some ideas on how to promote job postings so you can attract the right talent.

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Definition Of Job Postings & Its Different Types

An organization’s primary method of recruiting for open positions is called job postings. In the past, jobs were often advertised in the classifieds section of newspapers. Nowadays, most job advertisements are posted online. In order to create and circulate job postings, organizations use recruitment software, such as applicant tracking systems or modern talent acquisition platforms. With the aid of recruiting software, jobs are distributed across online properties, like the corporate career site, social media platforms, and job boards.

Basically, there are two kinds of job postings: internal and external.

Internal Job Postings

When a job posting is internal, the circulation of the job postings remains inside the organization. This means that only existing employees will receive the posting. The opportunity for internal mobility is provided by internal postings, which give existing employees the first chance at a new role, either by changing departments or taking on a new responsibility in an existing team. Frequently, organizations instead job postings internally to leverage in-house talent and save time and money.

External Job Postings

The job-seeking candidates get notified as soon as an external job posting is made. Candidates from outside the organization can apply directly for positions advertised externally. External job advertisements posted on job boards are tailored to the specific industry or demographics of the individual employer. Employers use external job postings to expand their existing employee base, hire outside talent, and add external value to their organizations.

What Is Known As A Job Description?

Job descriptions provide information about the responsibilities, nuances, decision authority, and tasks associated with the job at hand. In other words, a job description is a document that details a job’s duties and responsibilities. 

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The difference between a job posting and a job description is that a job posting is an advertisement intended to attract candidates. Therefore, it is important for the job posting to be a simplified, concise, but highly touted version of the job description. An effective job posting takes the form of an advertisement that promotes the position to potential candidates. The best job ads sell the company and the position simultaneously.

What To Include In Job Posts To Attract Candidates?

To attract the highest volume of qualified candidates, it is essential to write a job posting that is both concise and attractive. Job postings need to describe the available positions and explicitly state the qualifications for consideration. The following are the basic features of job postings a.k.a job advertisements:

🔥 It is necessary to write down the job description, expectations of the position, and anything else that is pertinent.

🔥 It’s a good idea to add a few images and videos to illustrate the company’s work culture and ethics.

🔥 Employers who list required years of work experience in similar sectors should include that information in their job postings.

🔥 Specified education requirements or minimum degree requirements should be mentioned.

🔥 Mention that document is required from the candidates for better screening.

🔥 If there are any physical and/or mental requirements, include that too in job advertisements.

🔥 Go for a preferred method for applying to the position, a.k.a call to action.

10+ Stunning Job Post Ideas To Attract Candidates

There are several creative ideas you can implement to attract candidates. Here we are presenting the 10+ proven & tested job posting ideas you can follow effortlessly. 

1. Use Your Website Interactively To Promote Job Posts

In the present digitalized era, websites are considered as the online entity for your website. Also, websites help you to increase company branding, drive sales, get the right talent, and all. Here presenting some popular ideas to promote job posts interactively. 

⚡ Create A Team Or Career Site

If you are looking for the right talent for your vacancies, you better reflect that on your website as well. It’s wiser to create a team page of a career site. There you can maintain an online job board, and promote job posts for vacancies as well. Adding a team page or career site will also help you in improving your SEO score and rank higher in the search engines. 

⚡ Use WordPress Notification Bars To Promote Job Posts

Is your company one of the popular ones in your region? Is your website visitor count above average? Then a great idea is to run promotions for vacant job posts through the top bar or footer bar. If you are planning to hire a huge number like 100/200 then this idea is fruitful. 

Sharing a sample of creating a promotional top bar for your company to promote job posts. In the example below, this stunning top bar is created with one of the most popular marketing solutions, NotificationX.

Job postings ideas

2. Promote Job Postings Through Recruiting Emails

This job posting promotion idea is fruitful for large companies that already have a huge email collection from customers & other sources. Then you can run job posting promotions through email lists and source for potential candidates. The main benefit of promoting job posts with email is that if the recipient knows some one who will be a good fit for the role, they can forward the mail too. 

Thus you can easily attract candidates and get the right talent.

3. Utilize Social Media For Job Posting Promotions

In recent times, social media is not the only socializing tool, it has become a part of the lifestyle. And it’s a great opportunity for you to utilize social media, promote job posts, and most importantly, attract candidates. Here mentioning the most popular trends of job posting promotions in social media:

⚡ Promote Job Posts Using Social Share

If your organization has a social media profile then you can easily utilize them for promoting job posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. Every social media platform has its own word limit. Before posting, make sure you check out the word limit and create an interactive social share based on that. Also, add your website’s job board URL or direct job applying URL in the social share. So that potential candidates can easily jump into your website. 

job postings ideas

⚡ Job Advertisements On Social Media Platforms Job Portals

To stay up-to-date with the emerging digital world, most of the popular social media platforms now have their own job portals. Such as Facebook Jobs, LinkedIn Job Portal, and so on. In these places, you can easily create job posts with eye-catching job descriptions and easily attract candidates. 

If you already have a job apply URL from your site, then don’t forget to mention that too. These popular platforms use their AI and send an in auto notification to the most eligible ones through the platform. Actually, these social media platforms help you with auto advertising of job posts. 

4. Promote Job Posts Through External Job Postings

External job postings mean you are not advertising your organizations on job openings only via your job board or career site. External job posting means other people from out of our company can also apply for job openings. For this, you can share your job posts with other company employees, promote them on your website, and so on. 

5. Promote Job Posts On Job Posting Sites

Apart from popular social media platforms, other sites are averagely visited by most of the visitors. Some mentionable sites are Stack Overflow for developers, Dribbble for designers, etc. These sites offer an open platform where candidates can showcase their works, and share their contact details for recruiters to get in touch with them. You should utilize these platforms to promote job posts and attract candidates. 

6. Index Your Job Postings In Google Search Engine

At present, Google is the most popular search engine. According to recent statistics, every day 5.6 Billion people search for something on Google. You can easily utilize this huge data to promote your job posts. Wondering how? 

There is a feature of Google’s search engine, and that is Google indexing. If you index your open job posts on Google, whenever people search for jobs around them, Google will also suggest your openings.

How To Index Your Job Posts In Google?

You can easily index your job posts in Google if your career site is built with Easy.Jobs hiring platform. While creating a job post, you will find the option to enlist the job post in Google as shown below. 

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7. Internal Job Posting Promotions

This type of job posting promotion is highly effective for medium and big companies where you have lots of employees. While running internal job posting promotions, you have to focus on your job descriptions. With a beautiful job description, you can easily attract office employees and get the best one. Internal job postings save a lot of time in screening recruitments and money as well. 

8. Focus On Employer Branding

Employer branding may not bring results instantly, but it essential in the long run. Among other present job posting promotion strategies, employer branding is widely popular and used by most of the big giant brands like Coca-Cola, Google, Facebook, and so on. 

To promote job posts through employer branding, you can provide such facilities and privileges to employees that promote their office work culture through social media, blog posts, their own lifestyle, and so on. These things will create enthusiasm for other potential candidates to pursue jobs in your organization. 

Check out how google promote their work culture through their own YouTube channel: 

9. Partner Up With Local Universities

The best place to find energetic and optimistic workforce is your local university. Especially if you are looking for freshers, then there is no better alternative to campus recruitment. To promote job posts you can easily partner up with local universities. Whenever any new batch graduates, you can source candidates. Furthermore, you can participate in job fairs as well. 

You can also ask your existing employees, who are university alumni to refer new talent for your team. Almost all universities have a social group of multiple social media platforms. So you can easily promote your job posts there as well. 

10. Run In-house Internship & Leadership Programs

While you hire employees based on their applied job posts, there is no floor to screen those employees for all the potential skills. Also, there is no chance to find out whether they can be better for other sectors. You can easily solve these issues if you can promote job postings through internship and leadership programs. 

Through internship programs, you can easily find out which fresh graduates are suitable for your company’s work culture. It will also help graduates to have experience in working with a team. Same facilities you will also get if you run leadership programs and attract candidates. 

11. Promote Job Posts Through Advertisements

This job posting idea is perfectly applicable for all types of organizations. When you don’t have enough recognition for your company, giving job advertisements in multiple places can be a great help to attract candidates. You can give advertisements on local newspapers, other popular websites as digital ads and so on. 

12. Run Referral Program Among Present Employees

Sourcing candidates and screening the right one isn’t an easy job! It needs lots of planning, strategies, and most importantly time. If you have a full-time recruiting team, it is still hard to collect all the potential candidates in one place. In this type of situation, a referral program can be a great help. 

Your present employees have great connections who can be a perfect match for your organization. If you run referral programs among present employees, then it will make them enthusiastic to suggest candidates.

13. Leverage Reviews From Employee Review Sites 

You, me, and the rest of all have grown a habit to check the reviews of products, services, companies, and all. The same goes for companies who are seeking employees. Before applying to those sites, candidates check out the reviews and experiences that others have with that organization. The most famous employee review sites are Glassdoor, Indeed, and so on. 

To promote your job posts, you can utilize these employee review sites, and gather reviews about your companies. These will develop your company branding value as well as attract more candidates easily. 

14. Attend Job Fairs & Community Fairs

If you are planning to hire talent globally and locally, job fairs and community fairs are the best places. Through fairs, you not only can promote your brands but also get potential candidates for your opening job posts. 

If you are looking to hire candidates with WordPress expertise, then following this blog will help you: 

🎇 Bonus: Successful Action Plans To Promote Job postings For Startups

To attract candidates and get top talent, startups have to compete with larger companies. But it can be difficult to attract the very best people without the resources of a larger company. Many larger organizations have a history of longevity and are trusted by their communities. The budgets and teams of those companies are also bigger. To overcome these odds, here are some of the best tactics to promote job posts for startups

✅ No one can ignore the power of the internet. So, it’s better to run a recruitment process with a hiring platform and promote job posts.

✅ Going for recruiting agencies is another good option. So that you won’t face difficulties due to company size and others. 

✅ Small companies also enlist in the free job posting sites and share their job posts there. It will help them to attract candidates easily. 

✅ Last but not least, get started with popular and user-friendly hiring solutions like Easy.Jobs for creating career sites, running successful job campaigns, screening the candidates, and all. Easy.Jobs will make your recruitment process completely hassle-free.

Get Access To 10+ Best Hiring Methods

Onboard The Right Candidates With Great Job Postings 🚀

To onboard the perfect & suitable candidate to your organization requires a lot of strategies, hard work, and team collaboration. If you start practicing above mentioned job posting ideas, hopefully, they will get the best results in attracting candidates in the long run. It will also help you in streamlining your recruitment process with ease. 

We would love to get your feedback regarding this article. Did you find this resourceful? Then don’t forget to share your thoughts with us via comments or by joining our Facebook community. Also, subscribe to our blog to stay up-to-date about the latest trends, strategies, and insights about the recruitment process.

Picture of Faguni


Faguni is a tech enthusiast by heart who loves to work on diverse topics. She has a deep interest to work with new marketing strategies and different buyer persona. In free times she loves to travel and explore new peoples.

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