How To Use Employee Advocacy In Recruitment [5 Must-Try Strategies]

Are you aware of the benefits of employee advocacy in recruitment? We all know the power of word-of-mouth strategy. It can turn around any kind of marketing campaign. Employee advocacy bears the same value when it comes to recruitment campaigns. Today, let’s check out how to utilize employee advocacy for a smooth recruitment process. 

Employee Advocacy

What Does Employee Advocacy Stand For? 

Employee advocacy is marketing a product or business that a person works for. In this guide, we will go a step further by explaining how employee advocacy may boost your social strategy and outlining the five elements of launching a successful program.

With the aid of a solid employee advocacy strategy, your staff will be able to: 

  • Amplify company messages and promotions, which raise brand awareness.
  • Discuss their work and personal lives positively, providing an “inside look”.
  • Position themselves as industry experts and suggest the company’s goods and services to friends and family.

Advantages of employee advocacy for your company:

In the ideal employee advocacy scenario, both the company and the employee benefit. A program’s advantages span several departments:

  • Improved brand recognition for marketing
  • More extensive personal network for sales
  • Favorable working conditions for HR and recruiting
  • Expertise in the field of industry thought leadership

Top 5 Employee Advocacy Programs To Increase Your Brand Reach & Boost Recruitment

An employee recommendation program is generally what comes to mind when you first consider involving employees in hiring. You may also consider sending certain team members to a networking event while they are dressed in corporate t-shirts. While these are undoubtedly worthwhile initiatives to aid in the development of your talent pipeline, employee ambassadors are capable of much more. Here are 5 strategies to engage your employees in employer branding through employee advocacy so they can support your efforts to find, develop, and hire top talent.

1. Feature Employees’ Perks & Benefits On Your Career Site

Basically, every structured company provides a series of benefits to their employees apart from basic rights. It’s pretty obvious that without these perks and benefits, it would be difficult to sustain employees for a long time. But what most of the company forgets is to properly promote their employee benefits to all candidates.

That’s why when a new candidate applies, apart from the salary and bonuses, he or she doesn’t know what other facilities they will get. So to promote your employee perks and benefits, one should feature them on the career sites as well. That’s how the world will know all the amazing and employee-friendly benefits they will get only from your company. 

Check out how beautifully you can display employee perks & benefits on a website.

Employee Advocacy
Source: WPDeveloper Perks & Benefits landing page

For instance, you might record a video of staff members discussing what they value most about working for your company. You might even go one step further by developing an employer blog series featuring tales from several different departments and levels of seniority. By doing this, you’ll highlight the individuals who make your business special and build credibility.

2. Encourage Employees To Share Experiences On Social Media

By encouraging employees to share pertinent content on their social networks, you can increase your audience and talent pool. You may, for instance, post pictures from an employee gathering or a news story mentioning your company as one of the greatest places to work in your community. 

After that, tell your employees to share and retweet your social media updates. In this approach, your staff is enhancing your employer brand, which can make job candidates more receptive to your openings when they arise.

Sharing some social media best practices with your employees is an excellent way to launch a social employee advocacy program. Some businesses even provide training to assist employees using social media for marketing, recruitment, and personal branding. 

For instance, you can set predefined hashtags and share them with all your employees so that they can use them properly. 

How To Use Employee Advocacy In Recruitment [5 Must-Try Strategies]

3. Seek Out Employer Reviews Proactively

Before accepting a job offer, about one in three U.S. job seekers browse employer review websites. Put your best foot forward by aggressively inviting staff members to leave feedback. This could increase your candidate closing rates. If you wait for reviews to come in naturally, they can be scarce or, worse yet, biased by disgruntled former workers. 

The current culture of your company will be more accurately represented if you encourage current employees to write reviews. Also, you can find out what employees dislike about your company as well as why they believe it’s fantastic. This will help you attract top applicants to your company more successfully while being honest about the difficulties they could face.

Make it a rule to solicit reviews both at annual reviews and at the employee’s 90-day check-in. Moreover, make sure you routinely check reviews to thank individuals for their input and to resolve any issues. You might want to contact the entire organization if you discover that one employer review site has received more recent negative criticism than positive input. This will help balance the feedback.

4. Make Your Employees Part Of The Recruitment Process

Getting your staff to share your job postings on their social media profiles is the simplest way to include them in the hiring process. This makes sure that a wider range of applicants gets access to this data. 

By providing your staff with pertinent information regarding the job description and the qualifications of prospective candidates, you can encourage them to take an active role in the hiring process. In this method, they can provide applicants with the necessary details and answer simple questions.

Reduce the amount of time it takes from your employees’ time by making the procedure simpler for them. That, together with the positive reviews your workplace has received from satisfied employees, will undoubtedly get people’s attention.

Employee Advocacy

5. Develop A Strong Program For Employee Referrals

An employee referral scheme produces higher-quality leads when employees are employed. If pursued and recruited, these leads have a history of greater engagement and retention rates.

In contrast to the typical recruitment procedure, when you must slog through at least 100 applications to locate one potential hire, statistics show that you will hire at least one of the seven referrals that your employees provide you.

If you want your recommendation program to be effective, you must start with the easiest step—your workplace. Your staff will naturally want to invite their friends to hang out there if you design a workplace that is joyful and stress-free.

6. Develop Relationship With Your Biggest Employee Advocates

Those working for your organization must already be spreading a little word about it in their social networks. Recognize these individuals and comprehend why they support organic farming. Find simpler and more efficient ways to interact with potential applicants. Don’t limit your attention to those who refer business to you.

Pay special attention to those who promote your workplace’s culture as a fantastic place to work on social media because it’s a terrific way to draw candidates. Use the suggestions of both of these groups to strengthen your hiring processes and educate other staff members as well.

Bonus: Here’re 10+ Social Media Templates To Create A Buzz On Social Media 

When your prime goal is to conduct a successful recruitment campaign, you can also follow some interesting yet effective tips. If you want to create a buzz, then social media plays a great role. If you can post creatively about your ongoing job openings, then you will get a tremendous boost. Here you will find the best ideas for sharing your job posts on social media. 

Employee Advocacy

Create A Hype With Creative Employee Ambassador Strategies

By combining efforts to find talent with employee advocacy, you may develop a more all-encompassing recruitment strategy. Whenever a candidate is hired as a result of a referral from an existing employee, there is no better way to ensure that they will stay on board rather than leave for the greatest opportunity. Thus, launch employee recommendation programs and promote general employee advocacy to raise the caliber of your talent pool immediately.

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Picture of Faguni


Faguni is a tech enthusiast by heart who loves to work on diverse topics. She has a deep interest to work with new marketing strategies and different buyer persona. In free times she loves to travel and explore new peoples.

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