Easy.Jobs Update v2.7.0: Recruitment Analytics, Improved Screening Questions & More

Easy.Jobs update v2.7.0 brings you new enhancements and features like recruitment analytics, improved screening questions, and more. These new changes will streamline your organization’s whole recruitment process, as you can now evaluate how your career site and job posts are performing.

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Remember the time when managing recruitment campaigns for multiple job posts was a complicated and time-consuming task. With Easy.Jobs, you can now make your hiring a lot easier. It helps you automate your whole recruitment process and find the right candidates faster than ever before. 

With the new Easy.Jobs update v2.7.0, you get more advanced features and enhancements such as recruitment analytics, adding options for creating required screening questions, paginations, and resolving a few important bugs and others. Let’s now see what amazing updates are waiting for you in detail below.

Analyze Career Site Data With Easy.Jobs In-built Recruitment Analytics 

Keeping an eye on the traffic performance of your career site and the job posting is essential for every company. The results will help you gain a clearer understanding of your company’s current status as well as help you boost your entire recruitment process. In Easy.Jobs update v2.7.0, you will get a built-in recruitment analytics feature. 

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This recruitment analytics is already available in your Easy.Jobs dashboard. From there, you will get a clear idea of how many people are visiting your career site and job posts, how many are unique visitors. Furthermore, how many applicants apply, bounce rate and many other details can be displayed.  Its advanced filter also allows you to view analytics performance in different time periods.

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Now you can easily analyze every job post’s reach, the number of applied candidates, bounced ones, and more. Easy.Jobs update 2.7.0 will provide you this exclusive opportunity with job analytics. From Easy.Jobs dashboard, you can view every job post’s performance, applicant numbers, or pending status at a glance. 

Run Talent Hiring Campaigns With More Enhanced Features

To make your job postings more successful, Easy.Jobs update v2.7.0 comes with a lot of trendy features. Let’s have a quick peek at them as well. 

Options To Make Screening Questions Mandatory

In the previous Easy.Jobs update, you can add screening questions to your potential candidates. But now with this latest update, you can make your screening questions section mandatory for your upcoming applicants to measure their IQ during the time of application. Without answering the applicants cannot proceed to the next step. 

Although, it’s totally up to the recruiter, whether you want this screening questionnaire section mandatory or not for your potential applicants.

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The integration of this simple yet essential feature in Easy.Jobs update v2.7.0 makes it easier for you to pick the best candidate for your company.

Ready Job Templates To Make Creating Job Posts Faster

The process of writing down all job descriptions and responsibilities can sometimes be challenging and time-consuming. Now you don’t have to spend time writing your job descriptions anymore with the new Easy.Jobs update. And you can add ready job templates of Easy.jobs to make the process faster and easier.

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More Improvements With New Easy.Jobs Updates

Besides all these major features, Easy.Jobs update v2.7.0 introduces more enhancements to existing features. You will get all the details below: 

Improved Subscription Payment System

We have made some improvements to the way you can purchase our subscription packages from your Easy.Jobs dashboard. Previously you couldn’t complete the payment without the default payment method. With Easy.Jobs v2.7.0, you can now pay with any methods and the last used method will be selected as your default payment method. 

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New Pagination Feature To Make Your Job Portal More Interactive

When your company is growing, the created job posts and numbers of candidates will grow. And it becomes difficult to preview all data on a single page. Easy.Jobs update v2.70 has introduced the new pagination feature. That will help you to improve your user experience on Easy.jobs site by taking all your job posts to the next page with a pagination facility. This has made the job portal more functional and interactive. 

Seamlessly Compatible With Elementor & Essential Addons

WordPress and Elementor have made it easier to create a career site website instantly without any code. You can create attractive and engaging job postings and career pages using exclusive Easy.Jobs widgets for Elementor, if your company website is built with WordPress. All you have to do is drag and drop the Easy.Jobs elements from the Elementor panel and complete creating pages in no time! 

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Aside from that, Elementor’s most popular library, Essential Addons for Elementor, which has over 1 Million active users and 70+ widgets, also offers Easy.Jobs elements. You will be able to achieve a stunning appearance and an improved user experience with these. 

Bug Fixes: No More Pending Assessment Issues In Candidate Page

In the previous version of Easy.Jobs, there was a bug in candidate assessments pending issue. That makes the recruitment process managers a bit conceited and recruitment was too optimized to the excellence. In Easy.Jobs update v2.7.0 this bug is fixed. So from now on, you won’t encounter this bug on the candidate page. 

Automate Your Recruitment Process With Easy.Jobs

These are all the main highlights of the new Easy.Jobs v2.7.0. Hopefully, these advanced improvements will help you to automate your recruitment process instantly. You can learn more about how to utilize these features by checking out our comprehensive guide to organizing your hiring process with Easy.Jobs.

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We strive to offer you a better experience on Easy. Jobs by making the hiring process easier. We would be happy to hear your feedback in the comments below, or you can send us your suggestions by contacting our support team.

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Picture of Faguni


Faguni is a tech enthusiast by heart who loves to work on diverse topics. She has a deep interest to work with new marketing strategies and different buyer persona. In free times she loves to travel and explore new peoples.

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