Letter Of Recommendation: How To Request Someone To Write + Tips

If you want to increase the chances of getting hired in your dream jobs, a letter of recommendation (LoR) from your current employer, supervisor or manager can help you. But asking for a LoR might seem tricky and hard in some cases. Asking for highlighting your actual attributes and capabilities in your letter of recommendation is also daunting. In this blog we will learn how to request someone to write a LoR for you with useful tips. 

letter of recommendation

Letter Of Recommendation Vs. Reference Letter: Concept Cleared 

When it comes to letters of recommendation and reference letters, people often mistake these two as one. But there is a slight difference between these two. Letter of recommendation is more specific and elaborate. It is a formal letter describing your suitability for a particular post or role. The best individuals to seek for a letter of reference are often your former managers, supervisors, or mentors since they have worked with you in the past and can speak to your qualities as an employee. 

According to recent research, most companies do a background check before hiring someone for the company. A letter of recommendation also discusses a person’s character, viewpoint, and fitness for the position for which they are seeking. It is a special letter that is created based on the author’s interactions with you personally. Since the writer is endorsing you for a particular position or program, a strong letter of recommendation frequently outweighs a reference letter. These letters are sent to a particular person, such as a company’s recruiting manager. 

On the other hand, reference letters are written in a general form. Rather it is highly emphasized upon the relationship between the candidate and the recommendation and how well they know you. This letter is not directed to anyone particularly, yet it can give some specific ideas about the candidate himself and show of approval. 

How To Request Someone To Write A Letter Of Recommendation?

Feeling nervous while asking someone for a recommendation letter is very common. You can improve your chances of receiving outstanding recommendations by making some advance preparation. Let’s delve in and explore what ways you can request someone to write a recommendation letter. 

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Determine To Whom You Wish To Write Your Letters

As mentioned earlier, a request for a letter of recommendation is always addressed to someone who can be concerned about your previous workplace experience or reputation. In that case, these letters seem to be more specific and addressed to someone. That is why you need to determine to whom you want your recommendation letter to be addressed. 

Someone who is well acquainted with you and is able to speak to your character on a personal level will provide the best recommendation. Make a list of potential people whom you can ask about writing a recommendation letter. Although you generally only need three, it’s always a good idea to have extras on hand just in case.

The greatest recommendation letters for job applications are frequently sent by your previous bosses or supervisors. Here is a suggestion for you that the more closely your previous position matches the position you’re applying for, the better. If you opt to ask a coworker, either current or previous, try to pick someone with more years of experience in the industry than you. They’ll be in a better position to recommend you. 

Prepare A Resume Pointing Out Your Accomplishments

To make the recommendation process smoother and simple, you can create an updated resume for the person who will write the letter for you. In that way he or she will be well aware of the accomplishments and potential points that will highlight your skills as well. 

Giving the individual writing your letter a copy of your academic transcripts and résumé is one simple approach to accomplish this. If you are asking for a job recommendation letter, you can mention which projects you have done under them, or the major accomplishments you had in your workplace. 

You can even mention the parallel work achievements aside from these. Not only just work related participations but also a cumulative participation in official events or programs. All of these can help you to be prepared for the upcoming situations. 

letter of recommendation

Make An In-person Inquiry First Before You Officially Approach

Here is the most basic trick when it comes to asking for a job recommendation letter. You need to first ask about the availability of the person to write LoR for you. Speak with each person in person before sending a formal, written request for a letter of recommendation. 

Making your speech in advance might make you feel more at ease and assured. Let them know what you’re applying for and why you need their recommendation. Although you are requesting a favor, those who know you well likely want to see you succeed and will gladly assist you if they can.

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Send A Formal Request For A Letter Of Recommendation

Email a formal written request to each person who has agreed to write your recommendation once you have confirmed your request in person. In your formal letter you must include information like the position you are applying for, how and when your letter must be submitted, updated resume, and a sample letter. 

In this way, the person who will be recommending you to someone else will be able to map out the letter of recommendation. To make this process easier and keep it professional, you must do it beforehand. 

Follow Up And Show Gratitude Towards The Referees

A gentle reminder a week or two prior to the deadline for your letters is the key to being in touch with the referees. This is an excellent time to express your gratitude for their communication and to offer to email them any further details they might require. Sending brief thank you notes to each person that wrote a letter on your behalf is just good manners. Send them an email or a handwritten note to thank them for their assistance. When you are hired for the position, make sure to let your recommenders know.

letter of recommendation

Format And Sample Of Letter of Recommendation Request Template

Even when you are making a letter of recommendation request you must follow a certain format as well. It is better to make your request clear and concise. Your request letter can include a brief introduction to yourself stating the position you worked in, an overview of your timeline with the supervisor, mentioning a brief personal story of you. 

You can end the letter with a closing statement and gratitude for their time and effort. Give a signature at the very bottom of the letter. Before you will get a sample letter of recommendation request format that you can follow.

Dear Ms./Mr. [Recommender Name],

I wish you well. I’m applying to [school or company name] and would like to know if you would be willing to write a persuasive letter of recommendation on my behalf.

I had a great time working as [your connection to the recommender]. I feel you could honestly and convincingly vouch for my [list of abilities or credentials] I’ve displayed during our time together as my [teacher/counselor/manager].

I appreciate you giving my request some thought. The letter must be submitted no later than [date]. An updated copy of my [resume], the [job posting/admission requirements], and instructions on how to submit the letter are all attached. Please get in touch with me if you require any further details. 

Thank you for your time and support.


[Your Name]

[Your phone number]

[Your email address]

This is how you can ask for a letter of recommendation from someone. It might seem overwhelming at first but if you follow these tips and tricks properly, you will be able to get an outstanding recommendation letter for your next endeavor. If you have loved reading this blog, read more like this by subscribing to our blog and joining our super friendly community

Picture of Tasnia


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