Job interview questions are tough to answer, but perhaps the hardest question to answer is when you are asked what your weaknesses are. As human beings, we all have many flaws, but you can easily present yourself smartly in front of the interviewers by responding with positive weaknesses. In this blog, we will be sharing a list of good weaknesses for interviews that you can say to make a better impression in front of recruiters. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

💡 Why Should You Talk About Your Weaknesses In An Interview?
The recruiters want to find out as much as they can about you during a job interview so they can decide whether or not you are a good fit for the position. Thus, you need to showcase your power skills, and expertise to impress your interviewers. However, we all know that nobody is perfect and we all have flaws.
When you are talking about your weakness to interviewers, it demonstrates your honesty and self-awareness. You can also say how you overcame your weaknesses to prove that you are trying to improve as a person which any interviewer would love in a candidate.
“Every weakness contains within itself a strength.”
― Shusaku Endo
In addition, in a workspace, some weaknesses can actually benefit the team in many ways. Suppose, you are very detail oriented which is why you need more time to finish a task.
However, for some tasks like competitor research, being detail-oriented is essential to create an in-depth analysis. So, even if your interviewer skips directly asking about your weaknesses, you can still bring them to the table while talking about yourself.
📋 Positive Weaknesses That You Can Say In Interviews
Let’s have a look at the list of positive weaknesses for interviews that you can say will help you to become a worthy candidate to recruiters. However, you should keep in mind that you need to be honest and authentic. When looking at this list, try to find a weakness that you have genuinely identified within yourself, and then see how you can turn them into a strength.
🔹 Too Detail-Oriented
Being very much detail-oriented on a task can mean that you are taking too much time to complete it. Even though most managers want to focus on getting the job done before the deadline, sometimes being detail-oriented can actually help to complete the job more efficiently. So, this is one character trait that comes to the top of the list of good weaknesses for interviews.
🔹 Self-critic
Being a self-critic makes you doubtful about your own skills and abilities which can make you less confident. However, once you know how to find your own faults, you can easily improve your skills and become even better. It also means that you have a lot of self-awareness, which is always an important trait. So, any recruiter would love to hear you are a self-critic in an interview.
🔹 Perfectionist
Sometimes being a perfectionist could be a huge downside for an employee as every manager wants to get the job done before the deadline, However, if you are skilled enough, being a perfectionist can be a strength as you are going to deliver the best work.
🔹 Taking On Too Much Responsibility
You may love taking responsibility on your shoulder, however, taking too much responsibility may hamper your work quality as well. Sharing this weakness with your recruiter will portray that you are willing to work as much as you can.
🔹 Uncomfortable With Delegating Tasks
Good leaders can delegate tasks to others and get them done before the deadline. However, some people are not comfortable delegating tasks as they want to put their own hands on it. This weakness might slow down your project, however, it also shows you don’t want to skip anything and want to stay involved with every task, no matter how big or small.
🔹 Risk-Taking
The ability to take risks is a very advanced skill. No manager would want to offer you the freedom to take major risks when you are just starting out in your career. However, once you have the confidence to call big shots, you can instantly win over the interviewer’s favor by admitting this positive weakness.
🔹 Multitasking
Doing multiple tasks at a time can easily hamper the quality of your work as you can get distracted very easily. However, a recruiter would love to take a candidate who is comfortable doing multiple tasks at the same time.
🔹 Attempting To Please Everyone
Being a people pleaser may be a weakness for you, however, in work life, any hiring manager would consider you an asset as you will be a very collaborative employee. So, you can present this positive weakness to the interviewers to make a better impression.
🔹 Introvert
Many people think that being introverted is a major weakness for career growth, however, this is not entirely true. Research has shown time and time again that introverted individuals are often great candidates for leadership positions. So, being introverted is also listed as a good weakness for interviews.
💡 Tips For Turning Weakness Into Strength (With Examples)
If you already know your weaknesses you are one step ahead of converting them into your strengths in a job interview. Because, what you initially think is a weakness, could also be a strength for you. Now, let’s look at the example below where you can understand how you can easily turn your weaknesses into strengths in an interview.
Suppose a recruiter asks, tell us what your weakness is in the next interview. Now, you can name your different weaknesses and be completely honest with your recruiter. While telling about your weakness you can elaborate on it by saying why you think it is a weakness for you and how you want to overcome it. Let’s the example now:
Example: “Being a perfectionist is my greatest weakness. I can not let go of any small details while working on a project. However, to overcome this weakness, I am using a time tracker and organizing my work schedule to stop giving too much time where it is not necessary and look into the bigger picture.”
💪 There Is Always Strength In Every Weakness
If you are aware of all the weaknesses that you have you can easily improve yourself and become a better person. In a job interview, if you want to demonstrate your honesty to the recruiters, telling them about your positive weaknesses can help win their hearts. We hope today’s blog will help you to become more confident in a job interview while being asked to talk about your positive weaknesses.
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🎁 Bonus: Blogs You Can Read To Prepare Yourself For Interviews
A lot of people have a fear of facing an interview board. However, if you are fully prepared before entering the interview room, you can easily get the job by presenting yourself in a better way. Here are some of our blogs that you can read before entering the interview room and gaining the confidence you need to rock on any job interview: 👇