Employee Misconduct: How To Spot And Handle In Your Company [2025]

One of the obligations of an owner is to manage employee conduct and make your workplace safe and welcoming. Employee misconduct can happen at any time at any place regardless of the company you are running. To properly deal with workplace impropriety, make sure you understand what constitutes misconduct and the best strategies for dealing with it.

Employee Misconduct

Employee Misconduct: How Does It Occur In The Workplace?

Misbehavior is defined as any breach of the rules, whether explicit or implicit. When an employee understands what you expect of them and willfully goes against those standards by acting unprofessionally or confrontationally, they are guilty of misconduct. Misconduct can be classified as either gross or general. So as the owner, it will be your sole responsibility to ensure security for your employers.

4 Basic Examples Of Employee Misconduct In Companies

Employee misconduct involves unethical, unprofessional, or even illegal behavior that occurs in the workplace. Specific incidents of workplace misbehavior may have an influence on firm property or infrastructure, procedures, outcomes, or the well-being of other employees within the organization. In the following section, we have discussed some common yet severe examples of employee misconduct in the company. 

Security Breach Of Confidential Documents

As part of their employment agreement, many employees commit to preserving proprietary information and private client information. Sharing confidential financial, company, and customer information is a violation of the agreement and an example of misconduct.

The unauthorized use of business contacts is one type of confidentiality-related malfeasance. If a sales associate searches the corporate database for a customer’s phone number and saves it to their personal phone, this is unprofessional behavior and a violation of confidentiality.

Disobedience To Office Protocols

Employees commit insubordination when they refuse to obey guidelines and do their jobs. Many cases of insubordination have minor effects and are easily corrected. When employees disregard health and safety rules, insubordination becomes more serious. 

Examples of disobedience include, if an employee consistently leaves for their planned lunch break and takes twice the amount of time allotted, this might be deemed insubordination.

Unfair Relationship Between Colleagues

Depending on business policy, unbalanced working relationships should potentially be considered as misbehavior. Take that as an example, if a manager begins dating an employee who reports to them, both the manager and the organization may be subject to a harassment lawsuitEmployees may feel pushed to agree to advances from their boss in order to keep their work, resulting in improper intimidation.

Damage To Office Goods & Properties

The purposeful or careless damage, vandalizing, destruction, tampering, or abuse of any company’s equipment, goods, or other essential assets to execute their duties is referred to as damaging the property. Willfully breaking corporate property, interfering with equipment or machinery, harming organization property by misusing it, purposely misusing computer systems or files, and so on are examples of this sort of employee misconduct.

Employee Misconduct

Useful Ways To Tackle Employee Misconduct In Your Company

There are some effective ways to tackle employee misconduct in your workplace. Let’s dig deeper into this topic.

Make An Effective Disciplinary Rule At The First Place

Try to handle misbehavior as soon as possible to reduce your liability as an employer for the offending employee’s activities. Failure to act when you become aware of harassment may lead to workers believing their behavior is acceptable and committing more violations. Delaying an inquiry can lead to the development of a hostile work environment, making any potential victims of misbehavior feel disregarded.

Verbal Warning On The Initial Occurrence

For small offenses that do not warrant removal, verbal warnings are usually sufficient. Inform the individual or employees concerned of their inappropriate behavior and make it plain that such behavior will not be tolerated. Tell them what will happen if it happens again. 

Do not shout or cuss. To restore respect, call him or her into your office and provide the warning quietly. It is unethical to raise your voice, call them names, or use vulgar words. Verbal warnings should be documented at all times.

Effective Dealing With Minor vs Gross Misconduct

Though you can expect, dealing with serious misconduct is a far more complex procedure than dealing with small wrongdoing. As a result, you should specify what measures should be followed in each case.

Typically, the procedure for dealing with minor wrongdoing entails,  The matter being brought to the manager’s or human resources’ notice, or both parties conducting a reality inquiry to gather hard proof of wrongdoings.

The procedure for dealing with gross misconduct normally contains the same reporting and fact-finding process as described above, but with the possibility of immediately suspending the employee if they are deemed a risk to the business, workers, or the credibility of the misconduct investigation.

Employee Misconduct

Proper Communication With The Accused Ones

You can communicate clearly with the person who is being penalized about how you want to fix the issue. It could also be acceptable to notify victims of wrongdoing about the disciplinary actions you intend to take. Respond to any questions they may have and be prepared to support your decision.

Suspension Or Discharge From Work

Few instances of misconduct will progress to the penultimate level. For those that do, the most common action is suspension or dismissal. The action you take will be determined by the employee’s behavior, business policy, and whether or not the person has previously been suspended. A pre-written plan is generally most useful at this time. If a dismissal is decided to be necessary, inform the employee of the particular cause for termination. Remember, keep your cool and avoid arguing.

Easily Maintain A Peaceful Workplace Culture In Your Office

Make it clear to your workers how they may report harassment or discrimination in a private manner. Expanding your human resources department helps you to create the best rules for your company, evaluate behavior in the workplace, and govern more effectively. To get an idea about how to ensure employee satisfaction for your company you can follow this blog on job satisfaction and its importance. 

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Picture of Razthee


Razthee Md. Yakini loves to write and read anything no matter the topic. He has a passion for becoming a content creator on WordPress. Razthee is a CSE graduate from United International University. His hobby is playing multiplayer games, reading horror sci-fi books, and watching gangster movies.

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